3  Setup

This chapter will walk you through downloading the R programming language as well as R Studio, which is a popular tool for interacting with the R ecosystem. Additionally, there are alternatives to R Studio listed at the end of the chapter. However, R Studio is the recommended environment for completing this book.

3.1 Install R

Before you do anything, you’ll need to download R. This download will allow your computer to interpret the R code you write later on.

  1. Download R From R: The R Project for Statistical Computing

  2. Select “download R”

  1. Choose any link but preferably the one closest to your physical location

  1. Choose your operating system

  1. Press “Install R for the first time”

  1. Press “download”

  1. Open installer

  1. Follow the prompts and leave all options set as their default values

3.2 Install R Studio

After you install R, you’ll need an environment to write and run your code in. Most people use a program called “RStudio” for this. To download RStudio follow the steps listed below:

  1. Navigate to the R Studio download site: Download the RStudio IDE

  2. Press the “download” button under RStudio Desktop

  1. Choose the download option for your operating system

  1. Open the installer and accept all defaults

3.3 Alternatives

3.3.1 Posit Cloud

Posit Cloud offers users a way to replicate the full RStudio experience without having to download or set anything up on your personal computer. You can sign up for a free account here:

3.3.2 Replit

Replit allows users to code in 50+ languages in the browser. While you won’t be able to follow along with the RStudio specific examples, you will be able to run R code. You can sign up for a free account here:

3.3.3 Kaggle

Kaggle is one of the most popular sites for data analysts to compete in data competitions, find data, and discuss data topics. They also have a feature that allows you to write and run R (and Python) code. You can sign up for a free account here:

3.4 Resources